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八段锦教学(Typical movements of Ba Duan Jin)
发布人:张长念 2019-04-09

Typical movements  of Ba Duan Jin

Ⅰ.Action’s names of  Ba Duan Jin


Routine One:  Both Palms  to the Sky to Regulate the Internal Organs. Repeat this form six  times.

  Routine Two:  Pull the Bow to Shoot the Eagle. Repeat this  movement three times.

  Routine Three: One Arm towards the Sky to Regulate the Functions of the  Spleen and Stomach. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Four:  Looking backwards to Prevent Sickness and  Strain. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Six:  Moving the Hands down the Back and Legs, and  Touching the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys. Repeat this form six  times.

  Routine Seven:  Thrusting the Fists and Making the Eyes  Glare to Enhance Strength. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Eight:  Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure  Diseases. Repeat this form seven times.

  Closing Form.

Ⅱ.Steps of Teaching and Breathing  Method of Ba Duan Jin


Action 1: Stand upright with feet  together, toes pointing forward, arms hanging naturally at sides. Look forward.  

Action 2: Relax your waist and sink the  hips, Shift your body weight to the right leg, stepping the left foot out about  shoulder width apart. Look forward.

Action 3: Extend your arms out from  sides and raise up your hands at hips level. Palms backward and look  forward.  

Action 4: Bend the knees slightly while  arms circle outward in front of your body, palms facing your lower abdomen.  Distance between fingertips is approximately 10cm. Look forward.

Routine 1  – Both Palms  to the sky to regulate the internal organs

Action 1:  Continuing from the last move. Rotate your arms outward and lower your hands  slightly down,

        interlace the fingers with the palms upward. Look forward.

Action 2: Go  on with the last move. Bring the palms upward extending your arms up and turning  the

        palms to face the sky as your head tilts back and your eyes look upward  towards the sky as you

        straighten your knees stretching your body.

Action 3: Go  on with the last move.The chin comes back down and the head is relaxed while  palms keep

       pushing upward and  remain facing the sky. Hold this position for a short moment. Eyes look  forward.

Action 4:  Separate the fingers and slowly lower the arms back down the sides while sinking  and bending

        the knees. Hold your palms in front of the lower abdomen with the palm  centers upward. Repeat

       for a total of six  times. A push and a press count as one. Repeat movement for a total of six  times.

Routine 2  – Pull the  bow to shoot the eagle

Action 1: Continuing from the last  move. Shift the body weight to the right leg and step the left leg out with the  knees naturally straightened while crossing your arms in front of your chest,  left palm on the outside, both palm centers are toward inside. Eyes looking  forward.

Action 2: Go on with the last move.  Squat into a horse stance while the right palm squeezes into a “claw” and pulls  back towards the shoulder while the left arm simultaneously extends to the left,  palm facing outward (index finger straightened, and the rest of the fingers  closed). Hold this position for a short moment. Eyes facing the left  palm.

Action 3: Shift your weight to the  right, while the right hand opens up circling your arm outward down your right  side to shoulder level, with fingertips upward and palm center diagonally  forward. Left hand extends with its center diagonally backward. Looking at your  right hand.

Action 4: Continuing from the last  move. Keep moving your weight to the right. Bring your left leg in, as your  palms reach waist height turn your palm inward and hold them in front of the  lower abdomen. Eyes looking ahead.

Action 5-8: Repeat movement on other  side. This time shifting the body weight to the left leg while stepping out with  the right leg. Left and right sides count as one. Repeat movement for a total of  three times.

Routine 3  – Holding one  arm towards the sky to regulate the functions of the Spleen and  Stomach

Action 1: Continuing from the last  move. Both legs slightly bend at the knee. The left arm extends up above the  head, palm facing the sky, elbow slightly bent. The right arm extends down the  right side of the hip, palm facing the ground, fingers forward, elbow slightly  bent, while the knees straighten out. Hold this position for a short moment.  Eyes looking forward.

Action 2: Relax the waist and sink the  hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing both arms back to waist level  palms facing the abdomen.  

Action 3-4: Arms alternate positions.  This time the right arm will extend up above the head, palm facing the sky and  the left arm will extend down the left side of the hip, palm facing the ground,  etc. The left and right sides count as one. Repeat movement for a total of three  times.

Routine 4  – Looking  backwards to prevent sickness and strain.

Action 1: Continuing from the last move  (hands will be at waist level out to the sides, palms facing the ground, fingers  forward, knees slightly bent). Straighten the knees slowly, while the arms  extend downward with palm centers backward and fingertips downward. Look  forward. Go on with the last movement. Rotate the arms as much outward as  possible for pulling backwards and stretching the chest. Palm centers are toward  outward now. Turn the head slowly to the left and back, looking towards the left  rear.

Action 2: Return the head back to  neutral position, facing forward, while turning the palms to face the ground,  fingers pointing forward. Simultaneously bending the knees and sinking the  hips.

Action 3-4: Repeat on other side. This  time the head will turn to the right. Left and right sides count as one.   Repeat movement for a total of three times.



















第1式   两手托天理三焦






第2式   左右开弓似射雕

动作  1:接上式。身体重心右移;左脚向左侧开步站立,两腿膝关节自然伸直;同时,两掌向上交叉于胸前,左掌在外,两掌心向内;目视前方。

动作  2:上动不停。两腿徐缓屈膝半蹲成马步;同时,右掌屈指成“爪”,向右拉至肩前;左掌成八字掌,左臂内旋,向左侧推出,与肩同高,坐腕,掌心向左,犹如拉弓射箭之势;动作略停;目视左掌方向。




第3式   调理脾胃须单举





第4式   五劳七伤往后瞧





Typical movements  of Ba Duan Jin

Ⅰ.Action’s names of  Ba Duan Jin


Routine One:  Both Palms  to the Sky to Regulate the Internal Organs. Repeat this form six  times.

  Routine Two:  Pull the Bow to Shoot the Eagle. Repeat this  movement three times.

  Routine Three: One Arm towards the Sky to Regulate the Functions of the  Spleen and Stomach. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Four:  Looking backwards to Prevent Sickness and  Strain. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Six:  Moving the Hands down the Back and Legs, and  Touching the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys. Repeat this form six  times.

  Routine Seven:  Thrusting the Fists and Making the Eyes  Glare to Enhance Strength. Repeat this form three times.

  Routine Eight:  Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure  Diseases. Repeat this form seven times.

  Closing Form.

Ⅱ.Steps of Teaching and Breathing  Method of Ba Duan Jin


Action 1: Stand upright with feet  together, toes pointing forward, arms hanging naturally at sides. Look forward.  

Action 2: Relax your waist and sink the  hips, Shift your body weight to the right leg, stepping the left foot out about  shoulder width apart. Look forward.

Action 3: Extend your arms out from  sides and raise up your hands at hips level. Palms backward and look  forward.  

Action 4: Bend the knees slightly while  arms circle outward in front of your body, palms facing your lower abdomen.  Distance between fingertips is approximately 10cm. Look forward.

Routine 1  – Both Palms  to the sky to regulate the internal organs

Action 1:  Continuing from the last move. Rotate your arms outward and lower your hands  slightly down,

        interlace the fingers with the palms upward. Look forward.

Action 2: Go  on with the last move. Bring the palms upward extending your arms up and turning  the

        palms to face the sky as your head tilts back and your eyes look upward  towards the sky as you

        straighten your knees stretching your body.

Action 3: Go  on with the last move.The chin comes back down and the head is relaxed while  palms keep

       pushing upward and  remain facing the sky. Hold this position for a short moment. Eyes look  forward.

Action 4:  Separate the fingers and slowly lower the arms back down the sides while sinking  and bending

        the knees. Hold your palms in front of the lower abdomen with the palm  centers upward. Repeat

       for a total of six  times. A push and a press count as one. Repeat movement for a total of six  times.

Routine 2  – Pull the  bow to shoot the eagle

Action 1: Continuing from the last  move. Shift the body weight to the right leg and step the left leg out with the  knees naturally straightened while crossing your arms in front of your chest,  left palm on the outside, both palm centers are toward inside. Eyes looking  forward.

Action 2: Go on with the last move.  Squat into a horse stance while the right palm squeezes into a “claw” and pulls  back towards the shoulder while the left arm simultaneously extends to the left,  palm facing outward (index finger straightened, and the rest of the fingers  closed). Hold this position for a short moment. Eyes facing the left  palm.

Action 3: Shift your weight to the  right, while the right hand opens up circling your arm outward down your right  side to shoulder level, with fingertips upward and palm center diagonally  forward. Left hand extends with its center diagonally backward. Looking at your  right hand.

Action 4: Continuing from the last  move. Keep moving your weight to the right. Bring your left leg in, as your  palms reach waist height turn your palm inward and hold them in front of the  lower abdomen. Eyes looking ahead.

Action 5-8: Repeat movement on other  side. This time shifting the body weight to the left leg while stepping out with  the right leg. Left and right sides count as one. Repeat movement for a total of  three times.

Routine 3  – Holding one  arm towards the sky to regulate the functions of the Spleen and  Stomach

Action 1: Continuing from the last  move. Both legs slightly bend at the knee. The left arm extends up above the  head, palm facing the sky, elbow slightly bent. The right arm extends down the  right side of the hip, palm facing the ground, fingers forward, elbow slightly  bent, while the knees straighten out. Hold this position for a short moment.  Eyes looking forward.

Action 2: Relax the waist and sink the  hips, bending the knees slightly while bringing both arms back to waist level  palms facing the abdomen.  

Action 3-4: Arms alternate positions.  This time the right arm will extend up above the head, palm facing the sky and  the left arm will extend down the left side of the hip, palm facing the ground,  etc. The left and right sides count as one. Repeat movement for a total of three  times.

Routine 4  – Looking  backwards to prevent sickness and strain.

Action 1: Continuing from the last move  (hands will be at waist level out to the sides, palms facing the ground, fingers  forward, knees slightly bent). Straighten the knees slowly, while the arms  extend downward with palm centers backward and fingertips downward. Look  forward. Go on with the last movement. Rotate the arms as much outward as  possible for pulling backwards and stretching the chest. Palm centers are toward  outward now. Turn the head slowly to the left and back, looking towards the left  rear.

Action 2: Return the head back to  neutral position, facing forward, while turning the palms to face the ground,  fingers pointing forward. Simultaneously bending the knees and sinking the  hips.

Action 3-4: Repeat on other side. This  time the head will turn to the right. Left and right sides count as one.   Repeat movement for a total of three times.



















第1式   两手托天理三焦






第2式   左右开弓似射雕

动作  1:接上式。身体重心右移;左脚向左侧开步站立,两腿膝关节自然伸直;同时,两掌向上交叉于胸前,左掌在外,两掌心向内;目视前方。

动作  2:上动不停。两腿徐缓屈膝半蹲成马步;同时,右掌屈指成“爪”,向右拉至肩前;左掌成八字掌,左臂内旋,向左侧推出,与肩同高,坐腕,掌心向左,犹如拉弓射箭之势;动作略停;目视左掌方向。




第3式   调理脾胃须单举





第4式   五劳七伤往后瞧





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